The Surprising Amount of Feces a Bed Bug Can Leave Behind in One Day?

Image shows a bed bug that excreted it's poop on a human finger, when picked up by the human. After feeding on blood bed bugs can be 5 times there own body weight in blood. The bed bug excrement that was excreted from the insect in this photo was a much smaller amount than 5x its body weight.
Image shows a bed bug that excreted it's poop on a human finger, when picked up by the human. After feeding on blood can be 5 times there own body weight in blood. The bed bug excrement that was excreted from the insect in this photo was a much smaller amount than 5x its body weight.

How much feces can a bed bug poop in one day? Intro:

Bed bugs are notorious for being unwelcome guests in our homes, causing itchy bites and sleepless nights. While most people are familiar with the discomfort they bring, not many are aware of the surprising amount of feces these tiny pests can produce and leave behind in just one day. In this article, we will delve into the world of bed bug excrement and explore the implications it has on infested areas.

Read: Bed Bug Feeding and Bites

Read: What If A Bed Bug Bites Me?

Read: Why Do Bed Bugs Bite In Groups, Lines Or Circles On Your Body?

The Basics of Bed Bug Infestation:

Bed bugs are small, reddish-brown insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are opportunistic creatures, which means they primarily come out to feed anytime there is an opportunity, day or night doesn't matter. During their feeding sessions, bed bugs pierce the skin with their sharp mouthparts, injecting an anticoagulant to ensure a steady flow of blood while they feed.

Zoomed in image shows the bed bugs sharp mouth part, the
Zoomed in image shows the bed bugs sharp mouth part, the "proboscis". It's how a bed bug feeds from you and also injects an anticoagulant into the bite, so it flows more freely. Allowing for quick feeding, normally lasting around 5-10 minutes per feeding.

The Bed Bug Digestive Process:

As bed bugs feed, they ingest a quantity of blood that can be several times their own body weight. This excess blood serves as their primary source of nutrition and hydration. However, like all living creatures, bed bugs must expel waste, and this is where the issue of feces comes into play.

Read: What do bed bugs eat and drink?

Read: Do Bed Bugs Drink Water?

The Bed Bug Feces:

Bed bug feces, often referred to as "bug poop" or "bed bug droppings," consist of digested blood. After a bed bug feeds, it digests the blood in its specialized digestive system. The nutrients are absorbed, leaving behind waste in the form of dark-colored, liquid excrement.

Read: What does bed bug excrement, droppings or poop look like?

The Surprising Quantity of Bed Bug Poop in 1 Day:

What is truly astonishing is the quantity of feces a single bed bug can produce in a short period of time. On average, a single bed bug can excrete several droplets of feces within a day. These droplets are minuscule, measuring only a fraction of a millimeter in size. However, when you consider that a severe infestation can involve hundreds or even thousands of bed bugs, the cumulative amount of feces left behind can be substantial.

Read: What's a bad bed bug infestation look like?

Image shows an adult female bed bug hiding on top of a screw head. Notice the black stained dots which is excrement surrounding the hiding spot. Also notice the white colored eggs next to the bed bug. Each egg contains one baby bed bug. That's a lot of baby bed bugs leaving poop stains behind, that will eventually grow up and have babies of their own, that will leave behind even more excrement. The grossness just continues on and gets worse over time.
Image shows an adult female bed bug hiding on top of a screw head. Notice the black stained dots which is excrement surrounding the hiding spot. Also notice the white colored eggs next to the bed bug. Each egg contains one baby bed bug. That's a lot of leaving poop stains behind, that will eventually grow up and have babies of their own, that will leave behind even more excrement. The grossness just continues on and gets worse over time.

The Visual Evidence:

Bed bug feces are often one of the telltale signs of an infestation. They appear as tiny, dark stains on bedding, mattresses, box springs, bed frames upholstery, really any furniture, and even clothing. These stains are often mistaken for ink spots, mascara/make up or dirt. When you see these stains in clusters or lines, it is a strong indicator of bed bug activity. Excrement stains can be single and by themselves but it's a bit harder to tell if it's bed bugs when it's only one small dot. You need to search for more stains to be sure if only a few excrement stains are found.

Read: Distinguishing Bed Bug Excrement from Mold or Mildew: Common Misconceptions

Health and Hygiene Concerns:

Apart from being unsightly, the presence of bed bug feces poses health and hygiene concerns. The feces can contain pathogens and allergens that may trigger allergic reactions or respiratory issues in some individuals. Additionally, the presence of feces indicates an active infestation that requires immediate attention and professional measures.


While bed bugs are already a nuisance due to their itchy bites and disruptive presence, their feces adds another layer of discomfort and concern. A single bed bug may produce only a small amount of feces by itself, but in large numbers, these pests can leave behind a considerable mess. Understanding the implications of bed bug feces can help homeowners and renters recognize the signs of an infestation and take prompt action to address the problem. If you suspect a bed bug infestation in your home, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a professional pest control expert to effectively eliminate these unwelcome intruders and their excrement.

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How Can You Protect Your Mattress or Box Springs From bed bugs & their poop?:

You can use bed bug encasements or covers to keep bed bugs away from your mattress or box springs

Read: About bed bug encasements or covers

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