How long can bed bugs live inside a sealed plastic bag?

Bed bug inside of plastic bag. Dead Bug Walkin LLC

Will bed bugs die inside of an air tight plastic bag or container?…

This is not a yes or no answer. It's much more detailed than that. It would not matter if you sucked every bit of air that you could out of a air tight bag or container. do not need air the same way that you and I (humans) do. They can survive inside of any ziplock bag, container or even vacuum sealed bags or containers for months.

How long can bed bugs survive inside a sealed plastic bag?…

The average bed bug will live for about 5-7 months. They can survive that same amount of time inside of sealed bags or containers. Whether they are feeding during those 5-7 months doesn't matter, they are able to just hang out for extremely long periods of time compared to other creatures. There's even been bed bugs known to have survived for over 1 full year. Of course that's normally only something that would happen in the perfect setting for the bed bug. So really the answer is actually yes they will die, but not anytime soon!

^-Video shows a bed bug that a customer trapped inside a ziplock bag after finding it.

Can you put plastic bags or trash bags, (aka prepped bags with bed bugs in them), thru a heat treatment to ?…

No. Putting any type of bag with bed bugs in them through a treatment will still not kill bed bugs. Oh, there may be some that die but most will survive deep in the interior of the contents, inside the bag. With a sealed off bag no air flow will be able to penetrate the inside of the bag. Even if you opened the bags it would still not work well because the items inside of the bag would be blocking the heat from reaching kill temps where the bed bug is located at. There's a much better way to kill bed bugs inside anything that can be sealed off and I explain it below.

There's only one way that you can kill bed bugs in a sealed plastic bag…

The only way that you can actually kill bed bugs inside of a sealed plastic bag is to add what is called a No Pest Strip or a Nuvan Pro Strip to the bag before sealing it off. Adding these strips works to kill bed bugs and even eggs. The strips are left inside of the bags that are sealed off to sit for at least 72 hours but 1 week is best. The strips do not kill bed bugs on contact or by glue. They work through the air floating around and down into all of there items inside of the bag. Think of it like a fumigation that is invisible to humans eyes.

Illustration of how Hot Shot No Pest Strips ​and Nuvan Pro Strips work. Dead Bug Walkin LLC.
Illustration of how Hot Shot No Pest Strips and Nuvan Pro Strips work. LLC.

This is a common practice for most reputable bed bug service companies throughout the Untied States and is proven to work toner and time again. Dead Bug Walkin LLC has been using No Pest Strips and Nuvan Pro Strips for over half a decade.

Who makes No Pest Strips and Nuvan Pro Strips?…

·Hot Shot brand is who makes No Pest Strips.

Hot Shot No Pest Strip (1 large strip per package).
Hot Shot No Pest Strip (1 large strip per package).

·Nuvan brand is who makes Nuvan Pro Strips.

Nuvan Pro Strips (12 strips per package normally but make sure).
Nuvan Pro Strips (12 strips per package normally but make sure).

Where can you purchase the strips from?…

Hot Shot No Pest Strips can be found on the internet by simply typeing the name in to any search engine. No Pest Strips can also be found at Home Depots or Lowes normally. No other brick and mortar stores are required to carry them nationally. So it's basically up to the actual store owners with stores like Walmart, Walgreens, Ace Hardware, etc. to carry them or not. I have come across a Walmart that carried them once but only once.

Nuvan Pro Strips can be found on the internet only by typeing it's name into any search engine just like the other strips. I have seen Nuvan Pro Strips in one mom and pop feed store in Oklahoma but only one and for the life of me I can't remember where that was anyways.

Honestly ordering either strips off the internet is the easiest way to go about purchasing strips to kill bed bugs inside of trash bags that are sealed of air tight.

Warning: Both types of pest strips will NOT work inside of trash bags, air tight totes, etc., that have fabrics in them. -Fabrics will keep the contents of the interior of the trash bag from getting any active ingredient from the pest strip sufficiently supplied to entire inside of the trash bag or any type of sealed plastic bag or container you choose to use.

How a correctly prepped and sealed off trash bag should look before a bed bug treatment can be completed.
How a correctly prepped and sealed off trash bag should look before a can be completed.

Link To: How to prepare for a heat and chemical bed bug treatment

Contact Dead Bug Walkin LLC…

·You can call or text message us at 918-710-7529 anytime.

·Free estimates by phone!

·We don't even need to see your home to give you a price tag for a bed bug treatment in Tulsa Oklahoma Metro and surrounding areas.

Dead Bug Walkin LLC Bed Bug Heat Treatment Specialists Pest Control Tulsa Metro
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