Can bed bugs jump or fly?

Can fly? Can bed bugs jump onto you? These are questions that we will be answering for you in this educational article. There are many misconceptions and myths surrounding bed bugs. We will put a couple of those misconceptions or myths to rest about bed bugs and what they can or cannot do as well. If you would like to read more articles about bed bugs and anything relating to bed bugs you can find them @ See More Educational Articles.

Bed bug perched on a sofa in Collinsville OK. Dead Bug Walkin LLC.
Bed bug perched on a sofa in Collinsville OK. LLC.

Bed bugs: Do they fly or jump onto you?…

No bed bugs do not have wings nor can they jump. Bed bugs are nothing like fleas or roaches. They are more like ticks outdoors outside of your home. Ticks get onto you by attaching themselves to grass then when you walk by brushing against that grass they crawl into you from the grass. Bed bugs are much like ticks except with bed bugs grass is replaced by your furniture and your belongings. Plus bed bugs normally return to a hiding space while ticks roam about all over the place searching fort their next host meal. Bed bugs mostly move by transference on your belongings your carrying around throughout your home. They however can crawl anywhere by themselves. Bed bugs can move about 100 ft. in 24 hours, if not threatened, when crawling to new hiding spots close to where you sit or lay for long periods of time. Usually those places will be areas of your home that you sit or lay for 1 hour or more regularly.

Bed bug hiding next to it's shed skin. Bed bugs regularly shed their exoskeleton. Dead Bug Walkin LLC.
Bed bug hiding next to it's shed skin. Bed bugs regularly shed their exoskeleton. Dead Bug Walkin LLC.

Stand your ground against bed bugs…

If you leave an infested area of your home for an un-infested area, the bed bugs will eventually follow you to the new areas you try to escape to. You cannot run from bed bugs! Read why you cannot run from bed bugs. They will always find you. Moving is not an option either! When trying to just move to another home that isn't infested, every single time bed bugs will make the move with you. No matter how much of your belongings you leave behind or throw away, they will still be in other places and on other things that you didn't get rid of. Just because they are called bed bugs does not mean that they are only on beds. Bed bugs can be anywhere including on chairs outside of your home. You know that place outside of your home that you drink your coffee, smoke your cigarette or just sit relaxing. Well they can be places like that too, deeply tucked up under seams or crevices. It's examples like this that show you just how resilient bed bugs can be.

Even areas outside like this can hide bed bugs! Dead Bug Walkin LLC.
Even areas outside like this can hide bed bugs! Dead Bug Walkin LLC.

If you have bed bugs…

First of all let us just say we understand what you're going through and there is a light at the end of the tunnel! As long as you can follow directions, you and your family will be bed bug free pronto. We have a system that eliminates your entire homes bed bug infestation in just one 6-8 hour appointment. We use , (heating your entire infested home). We add a chemical non repellent insecticide residual to protect your home, furniture and belongings from any returning or new bed bugs. For months after a home has had a it is at it's greatest risk for re-entry of bed bugs. A non-repellent chemical residual is essential for success. We have so much more educational information about bed bugs in the links below. Give yourself a fighting chance against your bed bug infestation!

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Dead Bug Walkin LLC Bed Bug Heat Treatment Specialists Pest Control

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